At left is a (RattleSnake), at center is a(Copperhead) and AT right is a (CottonMouth) snake. This snake are poisonous.

There many different species of snakes. Most are nonpoisonous. The bite of a nonpoisonous snake can cause pain and infection, but is rarely serious. There are three types of poisonous snakes and their bites can cause serious illness and even death. Eastern and Western diamondback rattlesnakes have facial pits, elliptical, rather than round, pupils, and a triangular shaped head that is larger than the neck. (There is a water snake with a triangular shaped head, but no facial pits on the side of its head between its eye and nostril. This is not a poisonous snake!) Diamondback rattlesnake venom is the most potent of the three poisonous species in Oklahoma. The pygmy rattlesnake and other types of rattle snakes .The other two poisonous snakes are the cottonmouth as water moccasin), and the copperhead.

Firs Aid For Non Poisonous Bites

  • Remove all constrictive clothing, shoes, or jewelry from bitten hand or bitten leg.

  • Wash the wound with soap and water.

  • Place a cold pack or ice pack on the wound, 15 minutes on and 15 minutes off.

  • Keep victim calm. Do not give sedative or alcohol.

First Aid For Poisonous Bites

  • Stay calm. Do not waste time trying to capture or kill the snake.

  • Follow general first aid, except DO NOT apply an ice pack or cold pack to the wound.

  • Keep the bite at the level of the heart.

  • DO NOT cut into the wound - this will spread the venom and cause infection.

  • DO NOT suck on the wound with your mouth - this will cause infection and little venom will actually be removed.

  • DO NOT apply a tourniquet or constricting band - this cuts off the blood supply to the wound.

Proceed immediately to the hospital for evaluation and treatment of poisonous snake bite. An antivenin is available, but is reserved for patients with life threatening symptoms.

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